* Co-Author, Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance
Learning (widely regarded as a standard reference book in this field; over 400,000 in print).
* Co-Author (with Allen Ezell, who founded and ran the FBI's DipScam diploma mill task force) of "Degree Mills: the billion-dollar
industry that has sold more than a million fake degrees" (Prometheus Books, 2005)
* Keynote Speaker, Department of Defense Worldwide Education Symposium, July 2006, 2,000 military attendees.
* Featured speaker, closed session of the national convention of
State Education Officers, San Francisco, August, 2006.
* Consultant to the FBI's "DipScam" diploma mill task force for its entire duration, 1979 to 1990.
* On-screen appearances as a diploma mill expert on 60 Minutes (fall 2004), Good Morning America (three times), Inside
Edition, Extra, and more than 80 local and regional stations.
* Lengthy interviews on-screen (filmed in my home) with major foreign media, including
(2006-2007) Fuji-TV (Japan), Swiss television, Korean television.
* Keynote speaker, National Institute for Experiential Education, at Princeton, 1998.
* Featured speaker, Distance Education and Training Council national conventions, 1997 and 2001.
* Admitted as an expert witness in federal court, various state courts in California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New
Mexico, and before the Florida Board of Professional Licensing.
* Presenter of workshop on degrees and credentials at the national registrars' convention (AACRAO), 2001, 2004, 2005.
* Co-Presenter (with Allen Ezell, founder of the FBI's diploma mill task force) of a 2-day workshop on diploma mills for
U.S. government's Office of Personnel Management (top HR people from many US agencies), Pittsburgh, 1998 and Washington DC
* Author, "Diploma Mills: the $200 million a year competitor you didn't know you had," March 2000 issue of University
Business Magazine.
* Author of chapters on distance degrees for the Whole Earth Catalog and the Informational Please Almanac.
* Author of 15 monographs, commissioned by the Australian National Office on Overseas Skills Recognition, on the educational
systems of the United States, Mexico, Germany, and 12 other countries.
* Cited as an expert in more than 100 newspaper and magazine articles on distance degrees, nontraditional education, and
diploma mills.